Toinette Vicars Toinette Vicars

Ask these 5 questions to avoid overcomplicating your message.

You are asking potential clients or investors to put down the iPhone, turn of Netflix, shut off the football game, stop working on emails, get of zoom, and prioritise you over everything else. They won't be able to do this if they don't understand in seconds why they should.

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Toinette Vicars Toinette Vicars

What a value proposition isn’t.

In order to understand if you have a unique value proposition, it’s helpful to understand what one isn’t. A strong value proposition is the difference between your audience (investors, customers, partners and even media) paying attention to you or moving straight past.

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Toinette Vicars Toinette Vicars

The power of why.

Don’t forget the 5th W - aka why. It’s the most challenging but the most powerful question to answer for your marketing and sales.

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Toinette Vicars Toinette Vicars

3 reasons why you should have a nurture email crush

It’s great when you actually get a nurture email that approaches the situation with a little humanity. Looking to up your nurture strategy game? Here is a great example of approaching this from the outside in.

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Toinette Vicars Toinette Vicars

Don’t confuse your unique value proposition with brand positioning.

Whether you are a marketer, entrepreneur or business owner, it can be really confusing to understand the nuanced difference between a unique value proposition and brand positioning. So here is some insight into how they are different and what it takes to have a brand position that doesn’t suck.

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