Only 15% of brand assets are ‘truly distinctive’

Distinctiveness is the key when it comes to brand codes. However, the research carried out by Ipsos and JKR, analysing over 5,000 brand assets, found that many failed to meet the mark.

While logos might seem like the most obvious of brand codes, with the best chance of being distinctive, the research finds that 19% of brand logos are in the gold category of distinctiveness.

When you have this many organisations failing to meet the mark, this means that for those that do - congratulations, you are taking advantage of an opportunity to build your brand (i.e make more sales!) and your competitors are not.

That puts you one step ahead!

These things, while they may sound simple or feel boring to do, have a significant business impact.

Brand in its full concept is one of the most overlooked elements for B2B. This makes it one of the biggest opportunities to change the directory of your company - even a small consideration towards brand as a market and sales tool makes a significant long-term difference.

Having a great logo is a must and doing more to be distinctive is really important. But don't forget, on its own, it's not a "brand".

Brand is the space that you occupy in your customer's or potential customers' mind. It's how they recognise you, think about you, and consider you against all the other competing noise.

Your product and all its amazing features and functions can not own that space on its own.

But a concept of brand value, set against competitors, your company and the customer that gives it relative differentiation and distinctiveness is. And that includes how you represent yourself visually.

If you or your team haven't been thinking about brand codes as part of your brand, you're missing a critical piece of the arsenal in the battle for sales and recognition.

And worse - you could be actually fighting against yourself by getting lost in the sea of "same."

Read more about the stats here:

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