Does your business have a case of imposter syndrome?

Ever walked into a room or had to stand up in front of a crowd and not been sure how to introduce yourself? Stumbled around and ended up on things that talk about what you’ve done, but not what you do or who you are?

Just like finding our personal introduction can be challenging, which means getting clarity on our story of who we are beyond our stats, and how we want to be positioned or thought of in the minds of the people we're standing in front of, It can be just as challenging for businesses to unlock and actually find or deliver in a powerful way what their story is.

It is no less important yet so often not done.

This is the branding challenge for so many businesses - especially those that are finding sales hard, can't get traction, or aren't getting a return on their marketing spend.

Branding can be a bit of an existential question...

Why do you exist, and what space do you want to occupy in the minds of your customers? 🤔

But when businesses haven't done this work or are suffering from their own version of imposter syndrome, they'll revert to introducing themselves with features and functions or, worse, white noise statements that are no different from all the other businesses out there.

So that would be a bit like introducing yourself through your qualifications and number of successful roles instead of talking about your personal unique role or what you hope to achieve and the value you bring.

Companies, you have to find your relative difference from others in your segment/market, and you have to tell that story about who you are in a way that is distinctive.

A great way to start is doing the same thing that Hattie is suggesting you do for your own personal brand - talk to people!

🤨 Ask your customers how they would describe you and the value you bring to their business.
🤨 What was life like before they started using your solution, and what was life like after?
🤨 What problem did you actually solve for them (hint: it might be different than the one you think you are solving!)

We call this getting customer orientation - using this view to build your brand story is so much more powerful and authentic. The more you see the world from their point of view and speak to the story that resonates, the easier sales and growth will be.

Not sure where to start. Then email me. Yes, old school email at


Only 15% of brand assets are ‘truly distinctive’


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