Calling all startups, rebels, innovators rockstars & revolutionist

It’s your business. It’s everything.
Don’t accidentally let your customers pass you by.


Stand out.

In today’s world, your option is to stand out or disappear.

That is difficult to do when you’re busy building or keeping your business moving forward. But the challenge for all startups and small businesses in today’s crazy noisy world is to stand out or get passed by. Just doing marketing stuff won’t cut it.

“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.”

— Sun Tzu


Strategy first, then tactics.

Start with customers.

  • Are you a seed-stage founder who wants to ensure that the value proposition is right and you’re finding your market fit?

  • Launching a product or solution?

  • Or have you just received your Round A funding and now you need to grow?

No matter where you are, starting with the customer and understanding why they tick is what’s important. Against that knowledge, it’s time to segment, target, research, position, and then and only then create a tactical plan. With that insight, it’s about getting creative, connecting across channels and doing what will really move the dial. Let’s discover why you are so amazing!


Marketing is complicated

Part art, psychology, communication, empathy and even math.

It is hard but getting the right help can make a significant difference in your ability to thrive in today's challenging environment. Marketing can seem easy, but like any other discipline, there are skills and knowledge involved even when using proven frameworks and processes to help you.

Unless you’re an expert, most people will struggle with their brand positioning, strategic planning, and tactical execution. If you are, you aren't alone. Time, resources, and knowledge can all be in limited supply, but you can reap huge rewards by getting the proper support.

Let me help you position yourself as unique and differentiated, establish a plan for success, and make things happen.

You know you need a fractional CMO when:


You can’t afford a full-time hire.

I’m an affordable entry point for seed-stage companies.

No one is leading marketing.

If your marketing activities are being run from different parts of the business or if your sales team is creating their own materials it’s time for someone to unify the activities and set you up for success.

You’ve lost a team member.

Has someone moved roles or taken leave? A fractional CMO can provide short term support while you decide what you want or need to do.