How to make writing easy and fun? One strategy for better blogs and five reasons to outsource.

Many people find the idea of writing about the same level of fun as going to the dentist. But I am not one of them. So send me your unwanted blog and white paper briefs, I say. 

Shhhh. Don't tell anyone but, I love that companies outsource their writing to me; I find it fun. 

However, I think it's only fair to acknowledge that it's not always easy, even for me. So before I demand you outsource all of your content to me to make my day, I'm giving those of you who want to conquer the dizzying heights of blog writing one great tip on making it a little easier. You never know, you might end up finding it's fun too. I'm also going to give you five insights about why outsourcing is not such a bad idea either.

DIY? Then use this one grand strategy.

For those of you who want to jump in and tackle the blog writing process, the outline approach rarely fails and, bonus, helps you set yourself up for SEO success as well, which is really why most of us are doing this in the first place. 

Google prefers blogs with a structure that they can follow, so they will be scanning all your new content to see that you're using your keywords in your titles. Stating the obvious here, but your keywords should match what the blog is about - if not and you're just keyword stuffing, you'll lose brownie points with Google. It's just not worth it. 

  • Start with your working title or what will be tagged H1. What you think your blog is going to be about. You'll go back at the end once you've finished to double-check this still works or adjust.

  • Then create a subtitle or H2 in the formatting. It usually works best for Google if you simply make it a slightly different version of your title. Use the exact same keyword(s) in both locations.

  • And then figure out a few sub-headers that you can use that are the main points of your blog. I think three sections or points you want to make works well.

  • And then make sure you have a conclusion, pulling all the threads together and creating a clear argument or point of view statement.

Five great reasons to outsource your writing

Nevertheless, outsourcing your writing is a great way to avoid all of this! Here are a few reasons why outsourcing some or all of your writing makes perfect sense. But before I jump into them, I want to quickly make the point that it's a myth that outsourcing is just for big companies. It's a big overused word, but really it just means hiring in extra hands. And if you're a small team with limited bandwidth, outsourcing is perfect for you too. So here you go:

  1. Your time is valuable. Blogging can (and is) a full-time job. Thinking about your cost per hour, does it make sense for you to spend that time? Is your precious time resource better spent on other business areas for a greater return on investment?

  2. Google penalises superficial content. Do you have the passion or desire to create high-quality content consistently? If the answer is no, then outsource. Bad, boring or low-quality content can do more harm than good if it turns your audience off.

  3. Fresh ideas. Running out of things to talk about? Using someone externally, you can often find that they come up with some new and inspired ideas.

  4. Be more effective. Working with a content strategist helps you to ensure you have a constant supply of content to publish along with the added benefit of their skill, insight and experience added to yours. Helping you get the most from your content and content strategy.

  5. Fast & furious. I wish it was like the movies, and I could come sliding up in a pimped up Porsche to deliver my articles; sadly, that's only in my dreams. But what I can promise is that you'll most likely be publishing content faster. You can't help but be more efficient when there are more hands-on the task.

If you are still struggling with finding the time to outline your blog post or generally dislike the process, then the outsourcing model has enormous benefits. It allows you to save time and money and can ultimately set yourself up for success with your marketing activities making you look great. And who doesn't want that! Outsource a little or a lot depending on your resources and the size of your team but make sure that you are aligning your content, no matter who's doing it, with your marketing plan. And make sure your marketing plan is in alignment with a unique value proposition that doesn't suck.

Want to find out if outsourcing (hiring in hands) would work for you? Get in touch today.

PS: Have I missed any good reasons to outsource writing? Add them below!

PSS: Here are a few sample articles or blogs I’ve produced over the years and I loved writing every one of them.


Why your Startup urgently needs a Value Proposition.